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CercleS 2024 Conference

Dear colleagues,

I am delighted to announce that registration is now open for the CercleS 2024 conference.  This is in response to a number of requests received. I would be grateful if you could circulate this to members of your national associations.

We are presently reviewing abstracts and hope to notify authors by mid April, with a draft final programme available from late April 2024.

To register for the CercleS 2024 conference visit CercleS 2024 - Durham University and select the Registration tab.  Registration options are as follows:

  • Full 3-day conference attendance in person in Durham;
  • Single 1-day rate to attend either Thursday 12th September, Friday 13th September or Saturday 14th September 2024;
  • Optional full-3-day conference rate to attend as a delegate on-line only;
  • Optional single 1-day rate to attend as an on-line delegate only.

When registering for the full conference, delegates will be asked to confirm which days they will attend, simply to help the organisers plan catering.

The Early Bird rate will apply until 30th June 2024, with conference registration closing on 27th August 2024.

At the time of registration for the conference, delegates will also be invited to optionally register for:

  • Conference dinner
  • Social visit to Beamish Open Air Museum
  • To book University accommodation at Collingwood College

Other hotel accommodation is also available as outlined on the website.  If delegates do not yet know which optional ‘extras’ they require, these can also be booked at a later date.

Any questions can be sent to

Kind regards

Mark Critchley

2024-09-11 10:14